Hope you're doing well and are having a great start to your summer. And the summer weather keeps coming on- great for some things, and tough for others. But the weather is one thing quite definitely out of our control. Probably a good thing, actually. :>)
Your bags this week:
Salad lettuce mix
Young spring onions
Snow peas
Beet Greens with baby beets
If I got this lovely bag of vegetables, I think I would try cooking up a stir-fry. The trick with stir-frying (not that I'm a master at it or anything...) is to have the pieces of vegetable cut up ahead of time, and to have the pieces of each type of veggie be relatively the same size. The onions could be diced, the snow peas can go in whole or halved, and the baby beets can be cut into slivers since they are less tender and won't cook as fast if they are left in bigger pieces. And use pretty high heat, if you can. You want things to cook pretty quickly, so they still are a little crisp when you eat them.
A quick and tasty dinner with some soy sauce, rice and some Sriracha, my favorite Asian hot sauce.
Things on the farm are progressing well. A bunch more cabbage went in this week, and the tomatoes outside and the ones in the greenhouse got pruned and tied up as well. They're certainly loving this hot weather!
Here are a few pictures from around the farm this week:
(inquisitive chick)
Be well,
Sarah VanNorstrand
PS: we're potentially going to be putting around a survey to our CSA members to see what people think about the option of having access to other products from other area farms, including cheese, meats, oils and more.