Thursday, August 23, 2012

Week 13, but it's not unlucky at Lucky Moon!

Another week, another bag of lovely veggies.

I wish I was able to get this out sooner and that I wrote it not quite so late a night so I could be more coherent, but so it goes.

So it's late Thursday night, and you've probably figured out most of the veggies in your bags, but here's a list in case:
Summer Squash
Sweet Pepper (some are pointy and red, but they're still sweet!)
Cucumbers (this is probably it for the cucs- they've been hit with disease and didn't like the dry summer)
Cherry Tomatoes
Dill (good with fish, meat, soups, pickles, salads, couscous, quinoa, etc)
Carrots: white, orange and purple-striped ("White Satin, Shin Kuroda and Purple Haze" to be exact)

It's best to keep the broccoli, carrots, summer squash, cucs, beans and dill (and the pepper, if you're not going to use it right away) in the fridge, inside a tied plastic bag, preferably with a piece of paper towel in there with it to absorb extra moisture. We send stuff home to you with as little packaging as possible to save resources, but it's great if you can empty out those mesh bags at home and put the veggies that need it into a plastic bag and into the fridge as soon as possible. Your food will taste a lot better if you can take these little steps to create their ideal storage environment.
The tomatoes and onions are probably happiest on a counter top out of direct sun until you can use them.

Just a note that the garlic is really beautiful this year, and though you'll be getting more garlic through the CSA, Sue has some braided up for sale, and they look really nice. They make great gifts, and they're useful and delicious! Hard to beat that combination....

Thanks for supporting your local farms! We appreciate you-

Sarah VanNorstrand,
for Lucky Moon Farm

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